The other night I saw Juno. It temporarily restored my belief that something good can come out of Hollywood. If you haven't seen it, you should. I like seeing films that are clever, well-written and just a bit quirky. I saw it a week after going to see Alien vs. Predator: Requiem. Need I say more? My son loved the chest-bursting, head-exploding action. And I've got to admit, it was cool. But it was hardly inventive or creative. Unless you call a cheerleader being mounted to a wall with a Predator spear through her chest creative. I mean, she wasn't even naked.
The thing is, I love movies. All kinds. Eclectic, foreign, classic, you name it. Even some mainstream stuff. Especially if it features a naked cheerleader shish-kabob.
So anyway, I believe you can tell a lot about a person by the movies they like. I don't know what my choices say about me. It's a little scary. Which brings me to the actual list. Listen, I don't know if anyone is interested in reading about the movies I consider to be my favorites. But, hey, I like to share. It's not one of those "best of" lists, because that's all bullshit. But, like I said, it's a good way to get to know me better, and it's all subjective and opinion. Just as is your reason for including Titanic on your list. Other than lack of taste. Again, subjective and opinion. These are in no particular order, by the way.
The Big Lebowski. Dude, this aggression will not stand. Some of the best, most quotable lines ever. Quirky? Oh, yeah, just how I like it. You really have to watch it several times to let it sink in. I'm a total achiever—what fans of the movie have taken as a name. If you've seen it, you understand the whole "achiever" thing. And proud we are of all of them. Oh, and "fuck" is used almost 300 times (281 to be fucking exact) which is pretty fucking awesome, man.
King Kong. The original, of course. Why would anyone remake such a classic? Peter Jackson said the original was his favorite movie, he even owns original props from it. So why would he remake it into such a bloated spectacle? The original though, featuring the stop-motion monsters with the creepy lifelike eyes...awesome! Kong even fingers Fay Wray. Talk about jungle fever.
Plan 9 From Outer Space. Okay, they just don't make bad movies this good anymore. Maybe the most enjoyably bad movie ever. Today's bad movies are just plain bad. This is so impeccably bad, it's awesome.
Moonstruck & Fatso. One won an Academy Award for Cher. The other stars Dom Deluise. Both remind me of my family and feature great eating scenes.
The Nightmare Before Christmas and all of Tim Burton's films (except Planet of the Apes and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). C'mon, Christmas meets Halloween, with a stop-motion skeleton in a tuxedo, and the best soundtrack Danny Elfman has ever done. Then there's Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, Mars Attacks! I love them for all their atmospheric, eclectic, skewed-world goopy goofiness.
The Seven Year Itch and Some Like It Hot. Marilyn at her hottest. Done.
Here's just a list of some of my other faves: Young Frankenstein, Annie Hall, The Godfather, The Godfather Part II (we never speak of Part III), Amelie, The Exorcist, American Movie (a really bizarre documentary about a redneck loser making a movie), The Iron Giant, and anything Chaplin ever did.
Okay, so now my geekiness has reared it's geeky head. Just wanted to get this off my chest. I could literally go on for pages, but I think I bored you all enough. Gotta go now. Showgirls is coming on Bravo.
My buddies didn't die face down in the mud so you can post lists on the internet.
Shut the fuck up, Donnie.
After many viewings of The Big Lebowski, I think my favorite part is the fact that John Goodman's character is a total fuck-up. In every decision, every action, every conclusion, every plan - he just does and says the absolute wrong thing. He's like Ralph Kramden with a gun.
If no one is interested in your favorite movies, they will be even less interested in mine. But, just in case, my top 25 can be found HERE.
Walter is a nutcase, but his heart is in the right place. And actually, he may say the wrong thing, but he usually tends to be right throughout the movie. Just watch it!
Oh, and after looking at your list, I realized I forgot to add a few: Jaws, Borat, Ghost World, American Splendor, Die Hard, A Christmas Story, The Incredibles, Shaun of the Dead, Close Encounters, all the Indiana Jones flicks, and Mad, Mad, Mad World...(I truly could go on and on...)
You can screen for me anytime - your list is perfect. Though I wouldn't mind adding Blazing Saddles to the mix - tasteless, politically incorrect, and fuckin' hilarious.
Let us not forget another great film classic. Buck Privates.
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