I'm not that old. 43 is not that old. And yet, in the realm of Internet blogging, I feel like Methuselah. But here I am, at the urging of a good friend who said, "You're a writer. You need a blog." 25 years ago, he would have said, "You're a writer. You need a typewriter." Now, I need a blog. Okay, so here's my blog. What am I planning to write here? Christ knows. But you can bet it'll be pretty damn insightful. Okay, maybe insightful isn't the right word. I don't have many insights into things. I could care less about politics, sports do not interest me, and most mainstream interests are, let's face it, pretty damn imbecilic. So I do have a lot of complaints, and I guess you can call them insights. I'd rather call them musings, especially on things I know. Things that affect me. So that's what it'll be. Musings on internet dating, women in general, being a single dad, being divorced twice, being married to the spawn of Satan, working as a writer for a mid-size branding firm, daily commutes, action figures, walking into a roomful of assholes, weight loss, growing older, shitty movies, great movies, the past, the future, the here and now, and probably something about ground turkey vs. ground beef for making meatballs.
If any of this interests you, please stop back from time to time. If it doesn't interest you, stop back anyway, because you might find that it actually does interest you. Because I can actually be pretty funny. So I've been told. Especially by women, right after I've slept with them. Oh, yeah, I'll probably tell some dirty stories too. That ought to bring some of you back.
Okay, so now I don't feel so old. I actually have a freaking blog. Whoop-dee-doo for me!
stop gushing, fer crissakes!
you forgot to mention religion
your friends need to exhibit a little bit of decorum.
Although that story does make me laugh.
Okay, this story I have to hear . . .
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